The Follow-up Move


Everyone was shocked, nothing but shocked!

All eyes were fixed on Shen Bing and Wang Chao, mouths wide open, unable to utter a word for quite some time.


Shen Tianhuan, Shen Deng, and others turned to look at Shen Bing, their eyes filled with inquiry.

"No need to look at me like that. He's here to see us," Shen Bing said calmly.

Shen Bing's expression remained composed as she continued, "We already discussed the collaboration on the Swan Cruise. Now, he should be here to sign the contract with me."

This statement once again stunned the entire audience!

They had discussed and finalized the collaboration?

Joseph was here to sign the contract?

Shen Bing had managed to accomplish such a major deal silently?

If they were truly signing a contract, it meant that the Danfeng Group would embark on an international path, opening up a broader stage for their future endeavors.