Dating a Beautiful Woman

"Father, do you have..." Shen Dongshan quickly asked, eager for an answer.

Knowing Shen Tianhuan's character, he was always cunning and strategic, never suffering a complete defeat even when facing Lafayette. He always kept a lifeline to turn the tide.

Now, seeing Shen Tianhuan willingly relinquish the shares, it indicated that he must have some contingency plan to regain control. Shen Dongshan wanted to know what Shen Tianhuan's next move was.

"You worthless fool, shut up!" Shen Tianhuan coldly glanced at Shen Dongshan and spoke in a deep voice, "Shen Deng, take your father to the hospital for treatment. He's covered in blood. What kind of image does that present?"

"Remember, take the elevator without any clients. Don't embarrass the Shen family!"

Shen Dongshan finally realized that he was injured and his expression contorted in pain as he let out a miserable cry.