Be My Boyfriend

Liu Yifei pulled Wang Chao aside, her expression filled with excitement. "Brother Wang, you have to help me with something."

"What's the matter?" Wang Chao looked puzzled.

"Be my boyfriend," Liu Yifei said with fiery eyes.

"Huh?" Wang Chao was taken aback.

Was Liu Yifei confessing her feelings?

Was she being that direct?

Seeing Wang Chao's expression, Liu Yifei realized that he might have misunderstood. Her face reddened, and she explained in a low voice, "My family has arranged many blind dates for me recently, and it's been bothering me. I can't focus on my pharmaceutical research."

"So I was thinking, could you pretend to be my boyfriend and help me fend off those annoying suitors?"

Wang Chao suddenly understood. "You mean you want me to be your shield, right?"

Liu Yifei looked embarrassed. "Yes, that's the idea. Can you agree to it?"

She gazed at Wang Chao with eager and expectant eyes.