It's Not Safe Here

Thinking of this, Wang Chao immediately became extra vigilant.

"Divine Eyes!"

He carefully observed all the buildings and people around, using his Divine Eyes to see everything clearly.

Soon, they arrived at Shen Feng's hospital room.

The room was spacious, luxuriously decorated, and filled with bright light, giving a comfortable feeling.

Shen Feng was lying on a large hospital bed, still connected to a cardiac monitor and wearing an oxygen tube in his nose.

He was still weak, skinny, and pale.

But at this moment, he had opened his eyes.

"Shen Feng, do you remember me? I'm Sister Feifei. We used to play together all the time, remember?" Liu Yifei sat in front of the hospital bed, happily talking to Shen Feng, gesticulating with excitement.

She had always cared a lot about Shen Feng, and over the years, she had researched many new drugs to treat his condition.