Hot Purple Rose

"Stop him!"

"He's an assassin! Guards, stop him!"

The medical staff chased after the bloodied man, shouting loudly.

Apart from the medical personnel, there were many bodyguards in black suits also chasing after the man.

"Anyone dares to stop me, and I'll kill them! Get out of my way!"

The bloodied man ran and waved his knife as he went.

On his way, some doctors and nurses who couldn't avoid him were injured, and blood splattered all around.

The man was incredibly strong, his movements were swift, and his knife skills were lightning fast. Every strike hit the doctors, nurses, and blockers, making it impossible for them to keep up with him.

Wherever he went, the ground was littered with bloodied bodies.

Even when facing those who chased him from a distance, he took out a firearm and shot down the black-suited bodyguards.

It was a path of corpses and bloodshed!