Thunder Island

When Wang Chao spoke, he directly stubbed out the cigarette butt and stared intently at Atreus.

Honestly, he had fought alongside Atreus before and understood his character well. This brother was genuinely righteous. However, having spent many years in the Crimson Flame Corps, he had undergone extensive indoctrination from the Crimson Flame Mercenary Group's rigid doctrines. This had caused him to always obey their orders.

But this person never killed innocents and never harmed the elderly, weak, sick, or disabled. He was a steadfast and upright man.

For this reason, his attitude toward Atreus remained quite friendly.

"Brother Wei Meng, look at what you're saying. Back in the day, the Crimson Flame Corps raised me. If I were to leave the corps, wouldn't that make me an unfaithful person?"