We've Been Targeted

Wang Chao watched Atreus leave, then took out another cigarette and began smoking.

Zhang Long glanced at Wang Chao. "You smoke like that; you might get lung cancer."

"With my medical skills, do you think I'd get lung cancer?" Wang Chao replied nonchalantly.

Zhang Long was dumbfounded. He almost forgot that Wang Chao's medical skills were extraordinary; he could even bring the dead back to life. With such skills, he probably couldn't catch a cold, let alone get lung cancer.

Wang Chao continued to smoke and chatted casually with Zhang Long for a while. When the time was almost up, he said, "Alright, Uncle Long, Bing Bing has probably finished crying. Let's go back."

He extinguished the cigarette, discarded the butt in the ashtray, and then walked into Shen Feng's hospital room.

Zhang Long did the same. After disposing of his cigarette, he followed Wang Chao back.