
Bang, bang, bang!!

Under the confrontation between Wang Chao and the red-cloaked envoy, all those below the Great King level were sent flying, spewing blood and tumbling helplessly.

Zhang Long was also thrown out, crashing into the wall, experiencing a searing pain in his internal organs.

Wang Chao had only protected Shen Bing and Liu Yifei, not Zhang Long, which led to Zhang Long suffering injuries as well.

Fortunately, he was standing next to Wang Chao and didn't bear much of the force.

Zhang Long, after spitting out a mouthful of blood upon hitting the ground, immediately looked at Shen Bing, Shen Feng, and Liu Yifei with a worried expression. When he saw that Shen Bing and the others were unharmed, his eyes brightened, and he quickly got up, taking cover behind Wang Chao.


At this moment, the confrontation between Wang Chao and the red-cloaked envoy became even more terrifying, erupting in a deafening sound.