Wang Chao Goes All Out

The red-cloaked envoy's gaze was particularly disdainful, and his voice was incredibly icy, showing no regard for human lives.

Utterly indifferent!

Devoid of human emotions!

This icy remark sent chills down everyone's spine in the room. Even Lucifer, Yama, and their group of four, who had also emerged from heaps of corpses and seas of blood, didn't treat human lives as something special.

However, the way the red-cloaked envoy treated humans as mere vessels, intentionally feeding them to a worm, was inhumane.



An absolute demon!

"In your eyes, is human life worth nothing?" Wang Chao's tone grew even colder.

"Of course not!" the red-cloaked envoy replied with a cold smile. "In my eyes, aside from those who come from that place, the lives of others are not lives at all."

"These countless beings are nothing more than ants and beasts."