A Clever Plan

Outside the villa rehabilitation center was a spacious grassy area.

The red-cloaked envoy had been sent flying like an arrow from a bow, plummeting from the third floor. He tumbled through the air, dissipating the force from Wang Chao's punch, before crashing to the ground.

The impact created a nearly one-meter deep crater in the ground, raising clouds of dust and scattering rocks.

The red-cloaked envoy stood at the bottom of the crater, unharmed, and ascended calmly without showing any agitation.

Chi Long and Lucifer, however, weren't as strong.

After being sent flying by Wang Chao, they tumbled through the air and tried to disperse the force. But it was futile.

Wang Chao's strike had been too powerful, and they couldn't dissipate the force, resulting in them crashing into the ground. They rolled over ten times, covered in dirt and sporting cuts and bruises.

"Cough, cough, cough!"