2.42 Salted Strips of Meat

At the edge of Thanh Van's vision, a white bird skull stared right at him across the bonfire.

Thanh Van dropped down low, cursing silently. The last thing he needed was more plague doctors chasing him down!

So far, this NPC has not triggered his flight or fight response. 

This was not the plague doctor that had been coming for blood - although no doubt these NPCs weren't wishing Thanh Van a long and prosperous life either.

His breath stilled in his lungs as he shuffled forward, keeping his head low, nearly crawling on the ground until he reached the ledge of the pool. He squeezed his body between the angel statue and the fuming bonfire and waited under the angel's watchful eyes.

The angel held onto the already dried-up vase, face sorrowful as it looked down on Thanh Van's cowering figure.