3.10 Special Event Vault

Yellow lights flickered ominously with the ship's every miniscule sway. 

By the time Thanh Van reached his door at the end of the corridor, he already wanted to puke.

He hated travelling on water.

The mass of E-rankers running around like headless chickens trying to find their room and stomping on his feet didn't make Thanh Van feel any better. 

The narrow corridor was filled with light chatter and the sound of doors slamming shut. Somewhere, a running faucet was spitting water at high speed.

Thanh Van grimaced, regretting his life choices as he stared at the door.

Maybe he shouldn't have demanded to be so deeply rooted in the player experience.

E-rankers each had a small dinky room with a window, a bed and a small cube for showering, with all the luxuries stripped away. Those luxuries were only open for the VVIP players aka, the S-rankers.

But Thanh Van was the top dog of the game! Ah, but his skin wasn't.