3.31 Buried with the Sands of Time pt.1

Even a creature like Thanh Van could make stupid mistakes.

The moment the door opened to a room filled with mirrors, Thanh Van had been swallowed by the darkness.

When consciousness returned to him, all he could see was utter darkness.

The tangy scent of copper tickled his senses and coated his tongue. The lingering smell of death made him want to puke, but the only thing Thanh Van could do was lie down, his cheek resting over the cold stone pavement, the weight of the world slowly crushing him.

His limbs were too heavy to move, and as he listened to the steady drip, drip, drip of blood pooling around him, shrouding his world in blood, shadows and hopelessness, Thanh Van wondered if this was hell.

Was he punished by the gods to be locked in utter darkness after the things he had done?

Thanh Van blinked slowly. He could make faint outlines of large creatures - beastly and dead around him.