On deck 11, Beatrix had accepted her fate of not being able to find S-ranker no.5. She had quickly checked up on the bloodsucker. Leonid Vladislav had been wandering on deck 9 when the announcement on the casino opened at 3 AM.
The clear blue pool water reflected the uneasiness gnawing at her bones, the cold biting her skin.
Lately, everything had become too coincidental, too convenient - it was unsettling.
The stray, Leonid Vladislav, Kim Jihun, Master Yeshe…
What forces had brought them all here? If the gang was back, then… s-ranker no.5…
Beatrix chewed on her lower lip. Could it be - Wuyao was here, on this ship, too?
The moon was round and yellow in the pitch-black sky when Beatrix's heels clickety-clacked against the tiles of deck 11, hurrying her way to a certain S-ranker's door.