4.5 Restless

"And the exempted players?" 

"There to spice up the game, sir, but you already killed all ten." The butler blinked at him from across the room, the pale blue eyes without a streak of warmth. "Made for a fun couple of instances, I hope?"

Judging by the system's tendency to cheat in the scenarios and events, he decided to change the subject for now. He was not equipped for the system's mind games at the moment, and would think over the messy situation once his mind was clearer. Right now, he needed a bath.

"How long till scenario 2?" He passed a long mirror hanging on the wall, the warm, yellow eyes greeting him in the reflection. Thanh Van halted before the bathroom door, his hand on the golden handle.

"Scenario 2 will start at sunrise the day after tomorrow… sir."

"Hm?" Thanh Van had opened the bathroom door, when he turned his eyes to the butler. Something… Something was weird here…

"Aren't you going to look for Kim Jihun, sir?"