I Have A Bad Temper!

Xiao Min and Ah Jin finally stepped down from their bunk. Their necks had inconspicuous marks that they hid with collars. Neither was in the mood to savor what they were doing on the top bunk.

The former quickly went over to the terrified Xie Ai as he glanced at the guy. The latter seemed as if he had lost his soul, falling back onto the bed with his eyes widened, staring into space.

Xiao Min stared at the shirt, the handprint devoid of blood, and frowned. "Someone visited us and didn't kill you? Interesting."

Then he raised his foot and kicked the terrified young man on the buttocks. "Oi, wake up!"

Xie Ai blinked and cried, rubbing his back. "Bro, treat me gently! Even my ex, who never loved me in all those five years, treated me like a flower. How could you kick your own friend?!"

"If you're done being terrified, we have got to go and collect evidence." Xiao Min's voice was cold and emotionless. "I don't have time to coax you."

Behind him, Ah Jin also strolled after his lover, not sparing a single glance at Xie Ai.

The white-haired young man continued to lay on the bed for a few more seconds before he finally managed to hop on his feet and walk out of the room in a daze. At least his situation was better. The newcomer woman looked like a headless chicken, screaming out of panic nonstop.

Of course, why wouldn't she scream out loud? After all, the death had occurred in her room, where she was living with another girl. She was the first to watch the dreadful scene.

If it were the real world, such a lovely girl crying on the ground with thick drops of tears pouring down her eyes would have attracted a man's kindness. But here, in this world full of horrors, no one spared a glance. No one even cared enough to even speak to her.

They all crowded outside the last room, where only two people stayed.

Xiao Min soon walked over, with two people following behind him.

At this time, Xie Ai looked like a cold beauty, and his pale face only added more marks to his beauty. Coupled with his scattered long white hair, he looked like a heavenly angel who had descended for everyone's good. Just that…. This cold beauty's white hair was scattered like a bird's nest.

He liked to show his cold face when he was most scared or feeling the most emotions in his life. He never liked showing his emotions except to his family and friends. So at this time, no one thought he was actually scared to the point of pissing rather than being cold and indifferent.

Finally, someone among the crowd recognized the three.

One of the experienced people clicked his tongue. "So famous people also came to this world. I didn't know this."

"Huh, famous?" His partner spoke in confusion. "Who are you talking about?"

His friend shook his head. "You wouldn't know since you aren't from the Bellona galaxy like me and them," he said, pointing to Xiao Min first. "That's Yu Weimin, a well-established actor who worked into the hearts of our citizens in a matter of months. Actually, he was famous before in a negative way a few months ago, being the most dangerous criminal down the line.

"But soon, the marshal himself and other officers solved the case, and they all realized that Yu Weimin was only a scapegoat planted by the real villain to confuse everyone else. That poor guy was played to death by his brother for decades."

"Sigh. If brothers are like that, I wouldn't want anyone like that."

The partner nodded and pointed to the blond walking hand-in-hand with Yu Weimin. "Who's that, then?"

"That's the marshal I'm talking about, Qi Jingguo, the only person who could handle such a cold beauty."

His partner's eyes widened as he looked at their joined hands. Before he could even utter a single word, his friend chuckled and nodded. "That's right, they're married now."

The partner nodded and pointed at the back. "Then… who's that?"

He was gesturing to Xie Ai.

"That's the famous IT sector head, the one who created a virtual transmigration system for both citizens and government use in our galaxy. He's a genius in his field. Just give him a computer and a keyboard, and he'll do wonders."

"How cool! But why does he look so…"

"Messy? That's because…." The guy who was speaking went unnaturally silent at the moment, not knowing how to respond. Then he sighed and asked, "You remember the brother I talked about?"


"So that person, Yu Chen, played a perfect boyfriend for five years, spoiling Xie Ai into a little brat… So when the truth was revealed, the one who was hit the hardest was Xie Ai. Since he's the head of the virtual punishing department, the Emperor chose him to punish his own ex after Yu Chen was caught."

"You mean…" The partner's eyes widened. "Xie Ai actually killed his own ex?!"

"That's right. After that event, no one saw him in public; he never came out. This is actually the first time I've seen him for the past few months." The man sighed. "If not for his majesty personally reassuring us that he was fine, the entire public would panic. They all loved Xie Ai as a smart young man in the IT field. He's only thirty, and he did the impossible."

"Wait, just thirty?! He doesn't look like it!"

The man facepalmed himself and shook his head. Oh, how could I forget? You came from the galaxy of mortals. We are advanced in both technology and cultivation. Don't take Xie Ai for granted. His power level is A, and the duo walking in front of him had an SSS level cultivation level in our world."

"But that's useless here. It won't work." Pointed out the partner.

"Right…. Sigh… If I were Yu Chen, I would treat Xie Ai like a treasure, not letting him slip out of my hands!"

Xie Ai's mouth twitched as he continued to listen in the background. Since he had an eye problem, his ears worked better than the rest. So he heard everything those two people on the side gossiped about.

He finally turned around and walked over, standing right in front of the two people and staring coldly at them. "Didn't you hear one more gossip story from the internet?"

The two people who were heartily gossiping went extremely silent, staring at each other with a pale face.

They couldn't speak a single word at all.

Xie Ai sneered in his heart. "That I have recently developed a bad temper. Do you still want to continue gossiping?"

The two trembled and shook their heads, running off and standing far away from Xie Ai.

The partner couldn't help but ask when they were a considerable distance away, "Why aren't we entering the room?"

"Are you mad? If there are gods standing right here, we don't need to do anything. You see, I have only been through three instances, but I know how things work here. If you're not outstanding, better stand back and let the gods do their work."

On the other side, Xie Ai was about to go after the runaway gossipers and give them a round of scolding when Yu Weimin grabbed his collar and dragged him back. "Let's go and see the crime scene first."

When the three entered the room, a thick scent of blood wafted around, entering their noses. The expressions of the couple didn't change as they frowned. But Xie Ai wasn't accustomed to this thickness.

He felt his chest blocked by that extremely disgusting smell. He covered up his nose, but it was no use. He felt like he was going to faint because of this smell.

His face paled even more. If the smell was so thick, what about the person who had died?

Soon, he got to see the person who had died.

The woman on the left bunk was lying naked as her body was tied up to the bed. Her cheeks looked like they were sunken and dry. It seemed as if she had been starved to death. Her whole body was covered with traces of bruises as all the organs of her body were emptied out.

Xie Ai couldn't take it anymore and fainted for the second time.