I'll See You Tonight!

Xie Ai trembled upon hearing that as he felt like his legs would give up sooner than expected if the situation continued to be like this. Just why was this ghost talking to him so much?!

He understood this ghost must have been lonely staying in this enclosed prison all these years, but that didn't mean he would stay behind to accompany a ghost out of everyone?!

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself and said, "What if I don't want to? What if I want to get out of here? What will you do?"

The child went unnaturally silent, so silent that Xie Ai regretted saying those words. His heart thumped in his chest, making him feel even more terrified than before.

The ghost won't take revenge because he was refused brutally, would he?!

Just when he thought he would be sliced to death, he heard the kid speaking in a soft voice, sounding like he was wronged to death, "Big brother…. You don't love me?"

"....." Xie Ai finally couldn't take it anymore as he glared at the darkness. Traces of anger in his heart seemed to have overtaken the lingering fear of ghosts. "What the heck do you want?! We can't stay together even if I wanted to! Look at us, you're a ghost kid, but I'm a human!"

".... So you have a problem with me being a kid? I can even manage to become an adult if I want to. After all, I'm already thousands of years old."

"That's not the point!" Xie Ai felt his head throbbing.

The absurdity of his situation was he was arguing with a ghost!!! A GHOST!!!!

He finally burst out crying as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Let me go…. Please…."

The kid went silent again as if he were thinking about something. He finally opened his mouth and asked, "Will you let me stay with you at night?"

"Of course!" Xie Ai trembled at the thought of seeing a ghost in his blanket, but what choice did he have here?! He could only grit his teeth and lie. "You can!"

"Okay! Thank you, big brother!"

"You're welcome…. Now, turn everything back, please…." Xie Ai felt mentally drained as he stared into the darkness.


"Why?!" He wiped his face and glared at the darkness.

"Because others will see your sobbing face. I don't want that."

"Then…. What the heck do you want?!" Xie Ai was literally begging at this point.

"I want to be the only one to see your lovely expression."

The man felt a shiver down his spine. He took a step back as he trembled all over.

"You…. You're a thousand-year-old pervert!!!! Why do you have to speak that way in a child's body?!"

"Then, do you prefer me like this?" The little boy's body suddenly changed as it transformed into that of an adult. He also made sure to fix himself up with a shirt and pants to cover his body and walked into the light, showing his face.

Xie Ai raised his head and met his eyes with that of the ghost's emerald green ones. Those eyes were too familiar, that face was also familiar, and the way that person stared at him was also familiar.

His heart jumped up his throat as he looked at the other in utter horror, and a trace of another emotion buried deep in his heart. He felt choked up all of a sudden as his lips parted, whispering a name he never wanted to remember, "Yu Chen…."

The ghost tilted his head innocently and asked, "What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly."

At this time, Xie Ai was even listening. His entire focus was on the other, staring deeply at the ghost.

The person standing in front of him was indeed Yu Chen, his dead ex-lover who was killed with his own two hands. The man had already died, and he also had forcibly buried those traces of lingering, burning emotions of heartbreak deep in his heart, not letting himself think about it anymore.

These months, he had been like a robot, only getting irritated out of the blue. He would scold his subordinates even if they breathed loudly.

But now that he faced the same person right in front of him…..

He couldn't breathe normally. He couldn't move. He couldn't even think properly.

Honestly, all Xie Ai wanted was to rush and directly hug the other part, asking whether he was doing fine. But at the same time, he also wanted to stay vigilant and far, far away because he knew that person never loved him.

The most he wanted to ask was—are you really here? Or is it an illusion?

But Xie Ai couldn't dare to ask any of those questions. He closed his eyes and lowered his head, trying not to see that person's face ever again. Only now did he realize his cheeks were covered with teardrops.

He raised his trembling hands, but before he could reach out and wipe them, the ghost's hands had already touched his cheeks, wiping his tears with his thumb. That thumb felt cold against his face as Xie Ai trembled.

Even he didn't know why he was trembling. Was it because of fear or something else?

"Don't cry…. I don't feel good seeing you cry."

Xie Ai felt more choked up at those words. He knew he shouldn't believe a ghost's antics, but he couldn't help it. This guy was giving him similar vibes. How could he stay calm at the moment?!

He didn't know what to do. Even the ghost continued to stand in front of him like this awkwardly, not knowing himself what to do anymore.

Then the ghost sighed as he waved his hand, "Forget it. I'll see you tonight."

Then, as if by magic, darkness filled up the corridor, plunging Xie Ai's heart deeper into fright. He looked around, and as he blinked, everything returned to normal. There was no lingering darkness behind him, and Yu Weimin and Qi Jingguo finally appeared in front of his eyes.


There were no traces of Yu Chen ever standing there, talking to him.