The Deity

"Where do you think we would get the story about the key NPC?" Yu Weimin directly asked instead of answering.

Xie Ai pursed his lips and frowned, thinking for a moment. Then he raised his head as he said, "From the NPC himself."

"Exactly. We are going to find his dead body."

Xie Ai's steps paused for a second as he hesitated whether or not to tell them about it, but he still went against it and continued to walk on. The two duos saw such a reaction and exchanged a glance.

They both seemed to have an idea of what was going on, but they both tactically remained silent, not uttering a single word.

The three continued to walk and scanned the entire building from bottom to top, not even leaving out a porch. But they still couldn't find that dead body.

They couldn't even step outside the building because of the sun. So even if the body was buried outside, they wouldn't know unless they risked death.

The only thing they could find in the entire building was a small shrine to an unknown god at the top. The idol inside was broken, with only the bottom half standing at the altar. From the clothes, it seemed that the deity wore magnificent robes when this shrine was still up and running.

But a shrine in a prison?

This itself smelled of trouble.

Xie Ai suddenly felt as if someone was watching him. It was the same kind of gaze as that of the ghost who appeared in front of him earlier.

He looked around as his body grew vigilant. His eyes narrowed, his breathing quickened, and he darted his eyes around the shrine.

Yu Weimin and Qi Jingguo also watched how their friend reacted as they looked around with vigilance. They had already taken out a talisman and a knife in another hand, staring at every nook and cranny of the shrine.

This place seemed to have been abandoned for a long time. The broken parts of the deity can't be retrieved anymore, and except for the deity, nothing else was broken.

As if someone had broken the deity on purpose.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a child chuckling in the background. The moment the trio looked in that direction, a familiar yet unfamiliar little kid entered the shrine with a blooming smile on his face.

At this time, the entire place seemed to have changed, transforming into a completely different shrine. The place, which looked full of dust and darkness, had become brighter with fire lamps around the walls. The kid went over and sat on the ground, closing his eyes.

Xie Ai was shocked to see this scene. He could still see that the child's eyes were emerald, instantly reminding him of the encounter just now. He stared at the little kid, whose face was full of smiles.

That person never had such a colorful expression.

Just then, Yu Weimin whispered, "Look at the deity."

Xie Ai blinked out of his thoughts and turned, glancing at the deity.

It wasn't broken this time, looking elegant in a standing posture. Both legs were bent at the knee, looking like the deity was about to jump forward. He had several hands with sharp nails.

But the most unique thing was the torso and head, which belonged to a lion.

Xie Ai stared at the deity as his mouth opened, whispering, "Bàn rén bàn shī."

"Hmm…" Yu Weimin also recognized what kind of story it was. "Let's see what happens. The events of this instance might be completely different from those of the folktale we all know. So keep a keen eye."

Xie Ai nodded as he turned around to glance at the kid.

The little child was only five years old as he sat in front of the deity and said with folded palms on his chest, "My mom told me that you could make me a king, right? Then I'll worship you!"

Everyone was stunned by the little kid's words as they continued to watch. But suddenly, the scene in front of them changed. The same little kid who was praying with alluring eyes a moment ago stood in the center of the shrine. His eyes were darker than usual as he stood there dully, staring at the deity expressionlessly. This was the kind of expression that a child shouldn't usually have.

Xie Ai felt a terrible premonition in his heart as he continued to stare at the kid. Suddenly, threads of dark energy made out of grey, black, and red lines emerged from the kid, creating a circle around him.

The child had grown up at this time, looking like a malnourished teenager. His entire aura was so dark and terrible that it sent a chill down Xie Ai's spine.

He had seen many types of Yu Chens, but this version is really the most terrifying!

His heart sank deeper as he stared at the teenager.

The latter looked broken, dull, and dark—a combination that could only lead to destruction.

The young boy opened his mouth and spoke dully, in a voice that echoed darkness into the listener's soul, making them tremble, "You…. You don't deserve my worship."

After saying that, the threads from his body burst out, creating a blast. Xie Ai saw darkness engulf his eyes as his heartbeat quickened. He heard the teenager's chuckle in the background at the same time, making his heart tremble.

He fell to the ground as beads of cold sweat rolled down his forehead. When he blinked up, the shrine had returned to normal, looking like normal.

The deity, how it broke, and what had occurred here made it clear that everything was done by that kid. Now, the question popped up in Xie Ai's head: was that kid the main boss of this world, killing players terribly?

When he remembered those red and black lines surrounding him, he trembled as his heart plunged into the deepest sense of terror.

Quite possible.

Just then, a hand placed itself on his shoulders and tapped. Xie Ai jumped on his foot and screamed almost instantly, shocking the duo.

Qi Jingguo clicked his tongue. "That was enough to scare you to death?"

Yu Weimin gave his lover a look, silently telling him to shut up.

Only then did the blond turn his head and sigh.

Just as the other was about to open his mouth, the duo heard Xie Ai speak in a trembling voice, "That kid... He's going to come tonight….."