Jumping Through The Clouds

Afternoon sunrays filtered through the windows of the corridor. This had never happened before, ever since they arrived here. Earlier, the powerful sunrays would never enter the building, and thus, everyone would be safe until they stayed within the shelter.

But this time, the sun's rays weren't as harmful as before, and they even entered the building without any obstacles in between. It was clear evidence that the curse had been broken.

Xie Ai and his group still continued to rush onward without taking a single minute's break. As soon as they entered the top floor of the palace building, the opposite one fell with a crash, echoing a noise in the background. Dust rose in the air, covering the entire place momentarily.

They hurried onward as they finally reached the bedroom. It seemed that it was going to crash instantly, and even the window broke apart because of the impact.

They didn't wait as Qi Jingguo jumped onto the frame and said, "Xie Ai, don't look back and jump."