Resting Station

The morning sun shone brightly on Xie Ai's face as he frowned and opened his eyes, pushing himself off the bed. For a moment, he was dazed, thinking about where he was. He seemed to have a terrible nightmare.

He accidentally glanced at the painting above his head and was stunned to meet the other person's eyes. His heart jumped as he stared wide-eyed.

Ah, so that wasn't a nightmare?

He continued to stare at that picture until he heard the door being knocked on.

"Xie Ai," said Qi Jingguo from the other side. "If you don't want us to barge in like yesterday, open up!"

Xie Ai sighed and averted his eyes, getting off the bed. He walked over and opened the door.

At this time, it should be noted that he just woke up. So his hair wasn't any good and looked like a bird's nest above his head, messily entangled amongst one another.

Qi Jingguo was stunned for a second before wrinkling his nose. "What's up with your hair?"