Chapter Twelve: A Crazy Old Witch Named Morgana.

Narika's anxiety heightened as they approached Morgana's lair, it was certainly not about the fact that she might kill her considering that she's from Suncity city.

But the young lady was more scared, and anxious to know what the woman might tell her. Zoe had done her part as her best friend, by trying to calm her nerves about the whole situation.

But that wasn't helping at all, if anything it made the young lady feel, as if what she's trying to do might do her more harm than good.

She didn't know why exactly there was this sick feeling, in the back of her mind that was taunting and laughing at her, yelling right at her face that she was wasting time.

The voice was just like Adrik's, she couldn't forget his sinister laugh in her dream. It leaves rent free in her head, and right now she could hear it with each step that took them closer to Morgana's.


She heard Zoe call her frantically, and realized that she had zoned out on the young lady, who touched her arm in a comforting manner.

"Are you okay?"She asked, looking into her brown worried orbs, as she looked around their surroundings to notice that they were now standing outside Morgana's lair.

It was a tiny house, she couldn't exactly call it that because everything about it creeped her out. Maybe it has to do with the fact that she was labeled evil, but watching Zoe not being scared made her reconsider, after all she's her niece but that wasn't an assurance right?

Evil is evil, but the greater evil just like Adrik was something else that scared her more than walking into Morgana's.

"I'm fine, the sun is starting to set Zoe. Let's get this done with," she said, flashing a brief smile at her best friend to hide the anxiety crawling all over her.

Zoe grabbed her right hand into hers, and made their way into her aunt's house. Surprisingly, the door was wide open which made Zoe wonder why exactly because it's always closed, until she lets you in after confirming your reservation.

She was worried that their coming here wouldn't prove futile, as she didn't place any reservations with her. But Zoe shrugged that off and tagged today being their lucky day.

The both ladies made their way in, as Narika's eyes scanned the whole arena. There wasn't much light inside, but the coloured bulb didn't give much reference to help calm her heaving heart, that she's inside a witch's hut.

She saw layers of talisman, voodoo dolls ranging from little to how long she had arranged them all, and luckily she found her place more neater and calm, unlike the noisy city.

"Try not to touch anything, she's an  annoying ass when you touch her properties without taking permission first" Zoe whispered to her, as Narika made herself busy trying to observe everything right there.

She figured out that she's not in at the moment, as Zoe was scanning her eyes wide in search of her, which left her with no other option than to make herself busy checking out her place.

She could confess this was no difference from her late grandma's place, who's a shaman. She would have been the right person to get rid of whatever is wrong in her head, but death had come for her when she's little.

Her mother was anything but interested in learning anything that had to do with her, she detest her tradition for someone who was Indian by birth.

She was looking around until something exquisite caught her attention, it was a mirror. Not just a normal mirror but a really huge one at that, but the decorations around it made it stand out, more than any normal mirror she had ever seen.

She found her leg making way to where it was, her hands admiring the golden carvings around it, a huge smile fanning  her features that she had forgotten her mission coming here.

Whereas her friend too who was nowhere to be found, but she was so caught up in the relics here, that she didn't notice the figure that was  standing behind her all these while, watching her.

"It is called the mirror of the dead, but i won't recall giving you permission to touch it, unless you intend on dying a crucial death tonight" Morgana made her presence known, making Narika to jump in panic where she stood, whereas turning abruptly to stare into the coldful eyes of Morgana, the witch.

Her heart leaped a bit when she took in the full form of the old woman in front of her, truly she looked like a witch . A wicked one at that for nearly wishing her death tonight.

Where is Zoe?

She asked no one, when she remembered that she came in with her but right now she's nowhere to be found.

 Did she kill her?

She thought, looking at the old lady who scoffed before saying," I don't think killing my niece would help sort what problem that brought you here, but i must warn you girl, you are in more danger than you could  ever imagine"

Narika gasped at her words, she can read her thoughts? But what scared her the most was her last statement.

"Your grandfather committed a huge crime that altered the balance, between the dead and the living," Morgana said, walking up to where she sat but not without giving Narika the sign to follow her suit.

"And yes, you aren't crazy, and what you see is certainly not a dream but what is happening." She added, placing her wand down before settling down in front of the scared young girl.

She had never felt sad, about hearing the daily problem of people that stumbled upon her paths, until now. 

Narika's case is certainly not as easy as she thinks it was, and she's afraid there's no help she could get the young lady as of right now.

"I have been having a series of dreams ,but not until this morning. I saw his face, his name is .."

"Adrik Ivanov '' she cut her short, laying the tarot cards on the table, before looking into the desperate eyes of Narika.

"I want to know what he is, and why he's always here…" she pointed at her head, " I can't concentrate like any normal being, without some crazy asshole popping in my mind at every little turn, soon everyone would think that I'm crazy."

"He wants revenge, your family owes him deeply and he had come to retrieve what your family took from him, and that would be you if i can guess correctly "

Narika bursted out laughing, Morgana has gone crazy. What was she expecting when Zoe had over reacted about the whole thing, and brought her to her crazy aunt.

What does she mean by he wants her?

"This is not something for you to doubt if it's true or not young lady, you are in more danger than you can imagine. But of course i'm afraid i am crazy to know what's real or not right?" 

Morgana sassed, laughing at her while trying to hold in her anger. The young lady was looking down on her, and that's something she wouldn't take.

"You know.." Narika said, standing up. " I'm fed up with all these because i don't believe anything you just said. Why would a stupid ass ghost want me when i don't even know why!!"

She took her handbag from where she dropped it, while sitting down while Morgana did nothing but watched her.

Such an arrogant fellow!

"It would be such a pity to watch such a young soul wither away so.."

"Enough witch!!" Narika yelled, and Zoe just choose the right time to appear at the heat of the moment.

"Narika, what's wrong?" She asked, tugging at her arm while sending a brief look at her aunt.

Narika scoffed at her fake concern, like where was she when her crazy aunt was telling her  rubbish, about some ghost wanting her.

She could understand that her lovelife was shitty, and at twenty two years she couldn't boast of having any boyfriend. Not even her first kiss at that, but to sit here and hear her aunt tell her that a ghost…gosh!

She knocked Zoe's hands off her arm, before adding" Ask the crazy old witch!"

"Your friend is still shocked Zoe, but she will be fine. My doors would be open to you on your next visit, I would be expecting you soon Narika Singh" 

"Yeah, as if it's ever going to happen again'' Narika said, before giving Zoe one last look. Her face still showed that she's still confused about what's happening, but if she had stayed without leaving her alone with her aunt. She wouldn't be left in the dark.

Narika found  her way out, mumbling shits to herself and cursing loudly when she came out and realized how late it was, and that her parents would be worried sick about her.

She needed to go home, and have a nice cold bath  to calm her raging nerves for all these to calm down.

Yeah, that's what she needs, to get home, a cold bath and a really nice rest from all the craziness this world occupied, and one specifically was a crazy old witch named Morgana.