Offensively Arrogant

Grey woke up the next day to a blinking light from his smart device. He looked at it and saw that he had 10,000+ notifications. "What the hell?"


┌─┈━═[Content Workstation]═━┈─┐


Video: Using Your Penalty-Free Death Window Like a Boss

Live viewers: 3,283,173

Total Views: 78,928,182

Likes: 17,583,281

Dislikes: 2,882,382

Comments: 41,382,173


SpiderPig: At this rate, the haters will go extinct. [Emoji:RollingLaughter] | +37,281,290

━ heisenberg_blue: What are you talking about? The salty people are breaking nine figures easily. | +10,283,183

━━ CharlieManson: People didn't listen to his warning about the death penalty, so they went to Ridgemont and got massacred en masse. The compilation video is great XD | +29,832,111

━━━ Shaquille_Oatmeal: Sauce? | +5,281,382

━━━━ TwitterFingers: I got you. razz/the-best-of-ridgemont-heights-massacre | +28,287,182


SniperGotYou: This is blatant cheating. | +31,283,283

━ HitNRUN: The devs need to ban this guy ASAP | +17,928,173

━━ RollingBarrelz: Yeah, he even shut down the sky cab service for a few hours | +8,382,198

━━━ PajamaNinja: Lulz. Only people on Razz would complain that the guy's cheating because he stopped them from cheating | +22,382,177


Banana_hammock: Yooooooo, my boy Greed instructed NPCs to do a live stream to stop the massacre! Zero faith in other players lololol | +27,019,332

━ Dumbest_man_alive: This is a legendary achievement in video game history! | +16,281,899

━ KnuckleBreaker: What happened? | +7,283,103

━━ TwitterFingers: Greed instructed the NPCs at Ridgemont to capture a player, tie them up, and live stream a warning not to go to Ridgemont… and the fucking did it! Hahaha | +19,283,173

━━━ HoneyBadgerDGAF: Where's the video!? | +12,382,831

━━━━ Kaley_Main: Do you not know how to use the search function? Wtf. Here's the video for maximum likes and humiliation. razz/ridgemont-npcs-hold-live-stream-after-massacring-200%2B-players | +51,287,182

━━━ MillyMoore: They followed his instructions? Why didn't they think he was crazy? | +14,283,198

━━━━ RambunctiousPhil: What do u mean? Ryker's the future, yo. They have smart devices and can stream shit, he just told them the players had a special streaming device. | +16,283,090

━━━━━ LiverpoolLiz: Oh, I always forget this isn't a fantasy RPG game. | +21,382,183



"I told you so," Grey chuckled. "I wonder if I should disclose where I'm going today to reinforce my warnings are real...," he frowned after thinking about it. "No, not with slave traders around."

The teen got up, starting the day in a foul mood.

"The Lycans only have three values," Grey muttered, pain in his eyes. "Crime stops at business, never sadism; treat your women with respect; and kill anyone who touches a child. I wish that I only thought about those three like everyone else."

With that passing thought, the teen went to the lobby to eat breakfast before starting the game.


"How long do we have until we reach the Twisted District?" Greed asked, sitting in an armored skycruiser flying to Ramo, a neighboring city of Markov.

"Thirty minutes," Mark replied. "Where are we going?"

Grey's arm disappeared into thin air, shocking everyone before reappearing with a pen and paper. "I'll draw you all a map. Burn this into your memory, as I will destroy it after."

All the mercenaries swallowed nervously at his ominous words.

"Everything in the Twisted District exists in the open because the military doesn't want to go there," Mark prefaced. "So what's so secret?"

"Don't ask questions," Grey ordered. "You will protect me while meandering through the Twisted District aimlessly, and you'll become amnesic for life after. Understand?"

"Understood," Mark replied, seeing the icy glare.

"I understand," Valeria smirked.

"What are we talking about?" Reaper groaned, holding his head.

"I'm not sure," Will shrugged. "I don't want to die after making this money."

"Me either," Whitney whispered, trying not to look at Grey.

Everyone burst into laughter, easing their anxiety as they flew to Remo.


Grey was on Ryker, the starting planet for Myriad online. Despite its beginner status, it was eight times the size of Earth, with a proportionate number of continents and people. Over forty thousand languages were spoken daily between people separated by twelve oceans.

A player could spend the rest of their life completing algorithmically generated quests on the planet after players completed the main storyline and designed quests.

He was currently in Markov City, the capital of Markov, a critical supply country, separating two countries at war. As a result, they fought over the country to control the economic advantage it brought. Once a thriving city, it had skyscrapers reaching the heavens. Above, he could see suburban residential districts with cul-de-sacs showcasing the area's prior wealth.

However, years of war had reduced 80% of the buildings to their concrete foundations. It was a nightmare area that was unlivable. Despite that, two types of people still lived there: the poor and war profiteers.

Some chose the area because they could make a hefty amount selling services to soldiers and rebels on both sides. After all, a sky cab ride costing ten zecta in peaceful countries costed 200 zecta in Markov, representing a 2,000% markup.

To the south of Markov was a city called Remo, which mostly looked like its neighbor. However, a tenth of the city looked like the developed world.

Neon lights.

Buildings with rooftops.

Nearly free of explosions.

It almost looked like it was a peaceful city. However, it was anything but.

Officially titled the [Twisted District], the area was a massive commerce district without restrictions on its goods and services.

That meant it primarily had legitimate goods and services, from sports equipment to top-of-the-line electronics equipment.

However, its lack of restrictions made it a magnet for every other type of good and service imaginable.



Illegal NPCs.



If a fetish had a name, a person could purchase it in the Twisted District. Sick obsessions. Twisted curiosities. It had everything.

The military didn't touch it because its wealth bought a military force with equipment rivaling the most powerful military superpowers. It had anti-missile systems that could counteract a nuclear missile strike five hundred miles out.

Since it was neutral, no military touched it because it wasn't worth sacrificing countless lives and equipment to shut down. It wasn't a joke.

Grey was headed there to crash a quest because he had money and hoped to buy some items. However, having money didn't make him a customer there—it made him a target.

"If you're unaware, teens are in high demand in the Twisted District," Mark said gravely. "Since you're using private protection without an emblem, traffickers will attack us on sight. Your wealth means nothing; if anything, it makes you a bigger target."

Grey looked out the window, thinking about the situation. His entrance was offensively arrogant.

The Twisted District was a high-danger, level-unrestricted zone generally ranging from Level 25 to 100 NPCs, but it periodically saw visitors pressing 200.

Anyone could capture and sell a Level 0 there—and they would.

It was a zone with a minimum recommended level of 45, but he was waltzing in at level zero with a pack of level 20 mercenaries. However, they had overpowered weapons and gear that shouldn't be obtainable for average players for months. They looked stronger than they were.

Lastly, even if they did survive—Grey also wasn't welcome to the quest site. Nothing about what he was doing made logical sense.

"In that case, get out some handcuffs," Grey replied seriously, moving his plasma pistol to the back of his jeans. "I'm officially your merchandise, and you're transporting me. Do you understand?"

All five men nodded, watching Mark get handcuffs and unlock them, keeping the key in.



─┈━═[World Announcement!]═━┈─

Player Greed has become the first player to find a rumored-class location.

Location: Twisted District

Location Classification: Rumored

City: Ramo

Country: Markov

Planet: Ryker

Their achievement has made history and will get recorded in the Myriad Record for all eternity.

Note: Rumored-class locations are renowned areas that few have journeyed to because they are dangerous or not easily accessible.



─┈━═[World Announcement!]═━┈─

Player Greed has become the first player to enter a variable-level zone.

Zone: Twisted District

City: Ramo

Country: Markov

Planet: Ryker

Minimum Level Required: 0

Maximum Level Permissible: Unlimited

Minimum Level Recommendation: 45

Their achievement has made history and will get recorded in the Myriad Record for all eternity.



A group of elite soldiers met the group at a general docking bay in the Twisted District when they touched down.


"None of your business," Mark replied murderously.

"Just checking," the soldier replied apathetically. "How long are you keeping docked here?"

"Six hours," the bald mercenary replied. "However, we may be back as soon as an hour."

A group secured the skycruiser, locking it to ensure they couldn't leave without paying—twice.

"Very well. That'll be 5,000 credits," the soldier said.

Mark narrowed his eyes, understanding that he was getting ripped off significantly. However, he nodded with a murderous look, letting the soldier know he understood but was busy.

The soldier shuddered but accepted, playing it off and letting them go.

Grey observed the exchange, never losing his grip on the handcuff's key or his pistol's stability.

"Move!" Mark barked, pushing the teen forward and starting their walk into the Twisted District.