Gravity Plasma Railgun

"Sir, it's ready," a soldier declared as they finished setting up the illegally modified Gravity Plasma Railgun. The weapon's ominous aura was palpable, but everyone turned a blind eye, swayed by Grey's shady deal with Markov Military Base's Brigadier General.

Besides, the generous hazard pay they received silenced any complaints.

Greed nodded and approached the scope, climbing the ladder beside it until he could peer through the lens at a shopping outlet's wall. "As you can see, we're targeting the side of a strip mall that spans two city blocks," he smirked. "I want everyone to wager on how much of this outlet strip the gun will destory."

The teen switched the view to an aerial pan, revealing the outlet's rooftop. Then he lovingly glided his hand against the rifle's trigger before climbing down, walking behind a T-Wall, and activating his suit's vision protection system.