Lasco Hype

Three radiant streaks illuminated the sky, captivating everyone who watched. In slow motion, one could discern the first as silver, the second as black, and the last as blue. A thunderous boom followed.

The dazzling display ended as abruptly as it began, with the colorful trails converging on a massive, 10-foot-tall grey boar that had been charging toward the group through the trees. The beast hit the ground, lifeless, despite having only a tiny bullet hole. Raymond and Able stared in astonishment.

The massive 10-foot-tall boar barely had a bullet hole. Yet it instantly died as if it took an axe to the brain.

"What… in the hell… was that?" Raymond asked in bewilderment.

"Winnin' at life; that's what!" Valeria laughed, slinging her assault rifle over her shoulder. "I'm buzzin'!"


─┈━═[Your Party Has Killed Enemies!]═━┈─

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—Full Information—

Final Attack: Valeria Yessa

Primary Weapon: The Triumvirate (Illegally Modified)