
Emma witnessed Abel sprinting towards Grey, his hands extended and bloodshot eyes wide with determination, just as he closed in to within a foot of the unsuspecting teenager. Her heart raced as she executed a fluid, full rotation, reaching out toward the man as if time itself had slowed to a crawl.

The brunette's movements felt unhurried as if she were moving at a normal pace, but the world around her seemed to decelerate, leaving her perplexed by the ease with which she caught up to Abel. Regardless of her confusion, she remained focused on her objective—

"AGgcCKaahHhhH!" Able choked, gasping for breath as the maid grabbed his throat and hoisted him in the air, leaving his body dangling from his neck.

"G-Greed," Emma cried in panic. "Th-This guy was trying to attack you, so I… I picked him up! Now he's here! What do I do!?"