*Shocking Lewdness 

Greed's grin broadened as the monstrous beast loomed, and an icy shiver coursed down his spine. "Now that is a [Nightmare] creature."

GRrrrrrrRRrrrrrR… Ahck! GrrRRrrRrrr….

A guttural growl reverberated through the cavern, its echo haunting the humid air for miles. Orange glow stones cast eerie illumination, revealing the shock and fear on everyone's faces.

Sinister wisps of black miasma danced around the orange glow stones, causing them to flicker erratically. As they peered into the abyss, two massive eyes, the size of beach balls, snapped open. They glowed with a vivid purple hue, their pupils as large as fists.


The beast rose, its outline becoming visible to the group. With a wolf-like head draped in matted black and silver fur, it sported a moist snout. The head, however, was as large as a fishing boat. As the monstrous creature sniffed the air and twitched its ears, it tried to pinpoint the origin of the unfamiliar scent.