Combat Maids

The first thing Grey saw upon opening his eyes was a blonde in a stunning, gore-drenched maid hoisting a colossal rodent by the throat and slamming it against a wall before putting a pistol against its eye and pulling the trigger in a single, fluid motion.


"Eigh~ty~seven!" Whitney giggled, swiftly turning with her pistol and firing twice, precisely hitting the same spot on a mongoose's skull. Though it didn't penetrate the defense barrier, it weakened it enough for her combat boot to shatter it with a powerful stomp.


"Eigh~ty~eight!" she sang, seizing another rodent by the skull and repeatedly smashing it into the ground. "Eigh~ty~nine!" she added with a playful lilt in her voice. "Who wants to be ninety?"


"This is insanity," Grey muttered, staring at the beast's stats upon popping up.


─┈━═[An Enemy is Attacking]═━┈─

Name: Cave Feeder

Level: 78 [Greater Spirit]