Source of the soul split

"Let's go up, I booked us a room on the second floor," Amelia said as she could feel the tension between Derek and James, Angel hurriedly nodded and left with Amelia as they needed to give the boys some space.

Angel trusted Derek wouldn't make things hard for James, though both of them were not the best buddies they could at least tolerate themselves, this was in the past, Derek wasn't the same and Angel knew that which was why she had coerced Derek to get along with James. She was trying to bring their old group back together but it depended on this moment.

"You've changed," James said as he sat facing Derek, a waiter came and placed a bottle of wine and exquisite cups, once he was done, he bowed and gracefully retreated.

Taking a sip James raised a brow as Derek hadn't spoken a word, he just laid back with his finger tapping rhythmically against the table. Derek could still feel that irritating gaze that always hid its real thoughts.