Misunderstanding [Derek and Angel] (1)

"It's none of your business, don't interfere," Derek said flatly and stood up. He wouldn't take this further because of Angel, but he had tolerated enough, besides James should know when to stop. Bringing his family into this was already over the line and this was the last thread of respect he would give Angel concerning James.

Clearly, when James said he wanted to talk, he just wanted to spout these words to rile up a rift between them causing Angel to choose. The fool was still blinded by the thought that Angel would consider how long they had been friends, besides the rest of the group were behind him. Derek and Gavin were pushed out long ago.

"I told you before, I can and I will," James said with a chuckle. He didn't know when to stop as Derek just threw away the Mr. Nice guy's skin. "Don't push me James" Derek's eyes flashed as his control was inches away from falling apart.