Alarming rewards. Daniel's evolution path.

A woman clad in the most amusing pajamas he had ever seen walked into the kitchen and moved straight to the freezer. 

Her extra large pajamas made waves as she moved. 'I don't understand. Is she wearing pajamas or is it the opposite?' he said inwardly while staring at the Asian woman with a bob cut. 

"So she came here," Jaiyi said softly and placed the pudding Kira made for her inside the microwave. 

"Who?" he queried and sat down, the length of the island separating them. Jaiyi finally turned to him and leaned on the island. "I know Mei'er came here. It's written all over you." Her eyes twinkled as she expected Derek to fluster or try to cover up, but his curt reply stunned her. 


She maintained eye contact for an entire minute, expecting more, but the man refused to speak and walked toward the exit. 

'What the!' she hollered inwardly. "Wait!" she called out, and Derek paused. "What?" His distant attitude made her frown.