Jaiyi's kiss

A few minutes later, a bike drove out of the forest, the headlight illuminating the area as it moved. 

As the bike stopped, a man removed his helm and walked toward a large tent beside a streamlined white vehicle with a glass-like surface.

He opened the curtain and walked inside. "Sir." Replying to Steel with a nod, Derek had to pause because he saw Daniel sleeping once again.

'Soon' he said inwardly. With the arrival of his system, he could aid Daniel in his evolution. All that remained was an expert to care for things and he knew who to call.

It seemed like he would have to return to the federation.

"How did it go with Natasha?" Ming Yue walked into the sitting room and turned to him before asking. 

"Well, I guess. We agreed so that's a good sign," Derek replied. He bent and kissed Ming Yue's abdomen, causing her to beam.

Caressing her tummy, which was still flat, with deep affection, Ming Yue took the helmet and patted his chest.