Kira's pregnancy

Turning to her best friend with blazing eyes, Li Mei lunged at her and they both wrestled, rolling left and right on the bed.

Kira could only facepalm at their childish antics. She turned to Angel but saw the white-haired woman scrolling through her grandmother's pictures.

Li Mei also ended her playful fight with Jaiyi and sat up. "Have you contacted her since then?"

"No. Both I and my husband killed her husband; she's bound to loathe me—her once most treasured grandchild." Angel's depressed tone made Kira embrace her.

"That man wasn't a grandfather. He lost that right since he put his family through such pain." Angel pressed her lips together, then forced a smile that didn't match the glow in her eyes.

Subconsciously, her soul eye gleamed, scanning through everyone in this room. Pausing at Kira, Angel's previous mood vanished and she gasped.