Welcome to Urth

'You absorbed her energy even from her cells. You might have killed her if you progressed.' Bao materialized and merged with him, causing Derek's muscles to bulge, pressing against his sleek armor.


He turned into a silver streak, shooting toward the camp. When he arrived, he laid her on a movable bed and two meds quickly checked her vitals.

"Three tails did this to her?" One of them gasped in shock as he raised Ariana's limp arms.

"Shut up and do your job," Ariana said weakly, her accent notifying the meds that she was a Xerathian.

Injecting a serum into her arms, they watched her vitals for a while and when it wasn't getting any higher; the woman injected another one and a slight improvement showed in the holovision.

"She needs a pod," the ‌doctor said, gesturing to his partner to help push the bed into their makeshift hospital.

"Ariana," Derek sighed when she refused to leave his hand. "Don't go," she whispered.