The Power of the Sword

Arlan told the group to get inside the abandoned buildings and instructed them to find a spot to ambush the enemies.

"Eduardo Cassano's group is taking the western alley. They are 200 meters from your location." Winter reported. 

Arlan gave a signal to Khalon as he pressed his blue cane.


It soon transformed into a blue sword.

"Everyone, stay sharp!" Arlan communicated over the radio as he looked through the broken gaps in the wall. From here, he could see the western alley where Eduardo's group was headed.

Soon, Arlan heard the sound of several vehicles. 

Arlan narrowed his eyes as he unblinkingly stared through the gaps in the wall. He was hiding on the third floor of an abandoned building. The others were strategically hiding in different locations. 

Soon, Arlan saw more than ten people searching through the nearby buildings.