The Legion Military Company

"I can take you guys out of the city. I'll send a route to your devices and I will keep you updated with the police's movements." Winter's words made everyone feel a bit relieved. 

Khalon led the group while following the route sent by Winter. 

"There is a police team up ahead. I don't suggest going against them since that would only complicate things. The Italian government might put you guys on the wanted list if you kill them. I'll send you another path to follow." 

"You guys can't go to the airport. The Cassano Family is already waiting there with the police."

"I already called a mercenary company and asked them to fetch you at..."

"...they will deliver you to a secluded town in Sicily. From there, a boat will come to pick you up." 

Arlan's group had to take numerous detours to evade the pursuit of the Cassano Family and the Italian police. If it weren't for Winter, they would have already been captured.