Syrian Pirates

The person leading the escort team was a quiet person. He didn't even talk to Arlan's group after introducing himself briefly.

They traveled for an hour before they arrived at the port where a transport boat fetched them. The mercenaries returned their weapons after they boarded the boat.

The crew on this boat was also part of the Legion Military Company. 

'These guys seemed to be experienced in handling matters like this.' Arlan thought to himself. 

"I am the captain of this ship. We will bring you guys to Istanbul, Turkey. We will stop there for a day to make your passports. After making your passports, our team will escort you to the airport." An African middle-aged man wearing a balaclava mask said. 

"How many days until we reach Istanbul?" Arlan asked.

The captain of the ship turned his gaze to Arlan and replied. "3 to 4 days depending on the weather and the situation."