In Return, You Have To Work For Me

Lieutenant General Rivera stared intently at Arlan. The man in front of him was too calm even when they were talking about how to deal with the president. "I know that you have a group of skilled people working for you, Mr. Roa. Please lend them to me for a bit. I need them to capture someone for me." 

Arlan chuckled upon hearing this. "You want to borrow my people? General, is the military short on capable personnel?" 

Lieutenant General Rivera sighed upon hearing this. "The military has skilled soldiers, but I'm afraid that they are loyal to the president. I can't take the risk of giving this job to them." He shook his head with a solemn look. 

"First, can you tell me who you want to capture?" Arlan already knew the answer to this question since Winter already told him about it. However, he still wanted to confirm it.