Khalon Brings Donnyl Lisondra to the Mansion

Arlan brought the general to the open field behind the mansion. There were two helicopters on the open field. One of them was a private helicopter, while the other one looked like an assault helicopter. 

Lieutenant General Rivera stared at the assault helicopter in surprise. "So this is what the completed version looks like. It's beautiful and majestic!" He had seen an incomplete version of the Black Dragon Assault Helicopter in the secret warehouse of the Arms Corporation of Maharlika. The aircraft in front of him looked incredibly intimidating and he could already imagine the disaster it would cause as he stared at the fearsome weapon in its arsenal. 

Arlan grinned at his words. "I still have more than twenty of this guy hidden somewhere." Arlan said as he knocked on the surface of the helicopter.

"Twenty?! Don't tell me that you're planning to use this thing to deal with the president?!" Lieutenant General Rivera gasped in shock.