Sending a Rescue Team to Cebu

"What?!" Lieutenant General Rivera was shocked by this. 

Arlan leaned on his chair with a grim look on his face. "Maharlika was late to close its borders and there was a plane from Pakistan that landed at the airport in Cebu... It turns out that one of them was infected with the virus and that started all this mess." 

Lieutenant General Rivera's face became sullen. "I remember that two researchers on our rescue list are in Cebu. I only sent five men to escort them..." 

"Who are those two researchers?" Arlan asked while interlocking his fingers on top of his lap.

"From what I remember, one of them was a virologist and the other one was a vaccinologist. According to my subordinates, the vaccinologist was one of the researchers who created a vaccine for coronavirus a few years ago." The commanding general said with furrowed eyebrows.