Mark and the Escort Unit

In the woods of Busay, Cebu Province.

"We are running out of bullets." Mark mumbled as he inspected his ammo. They also had to abandon some of their backpacks to lighten their weight and those backpacks contained rations. At this moment, they only had a day of rations left. They could search for food in the forest, but it was too dangerous. There were a lot of zombies roaming in the woods and they just barely escaped from a wave a few hours ago.

"Sir, what did the headquarters say?" A soldier asked before he took a sip of water from his canteen. 

Mark was the leader of this small team and his military rank was Sergeant. Their task was to escort two researchers back to Last City, but the sudden appearance of the zombies made things difficult for them. "They want us to head towards Vista Tower 1.7 kilometers east of our current location. I spoke with the commanding general and he said that the backup force is already on their way here." He said in a grim tone.