Chapter 2 Betrayal

"Miranda! Let me stay here for a while." Aaron Liu quickened his steps toward the fiancé. However, what happened was very painful for him.

"Stop right there!" Miranda Choi shouted at her fiancé. "Starting today, don't ever come to my house again! I'm canceling our wedding!" she added without the slightest sense of guilt.

It's like being struck by lightning on a very bright morning, even though the sun looks so beautiful to start the day. However, what Aaron Liu was experiencing was less attractive than that morning. It's like falling, and a ladder must still hit you. It was as if the sky had fallen for him. The words of his future wife were like throwing him to the bottom.

"What do you mean, Miranda? Aren't we going to have a wedding next month?" Aaron Liu tried to convince himself. He still couldn't believe everything he had heard.

"Who would marry a poor man like you? I thought a beggar wouldn't want to marry you!" sneered a woman who had been Aaron Liu's lover for two years.

Two years of their relationship means nothing after the man loses all his wealth. It was as if the love between them had just evaporated.

Miranda Choi enters the luxurious house Aaron Liu, once gave her for her birthday. But unexpectedly, the woman who used to adore him so much could turn him into a useless piece of trash.

A few moments later, the woman returned with a small object in her hands. Miranda Choi immediately threw the thing in her hand with a haughty expression.

"I returned our engagement ring. From this Moment, there is no bond between us," said Miranda Choi in one breath.

Unexpectedly, Aaron Liu knelt where he stood—showing a wounded face filled with pain. The man no longer cared about his pride.

"Please, Miranda! I'd do anything if you let me stay in this house." Like a man with no self-respect, Aaron Liu did that disgusting thing in front of a woman who had blatantly kicked him out.

"Guard!" shouted Miranda Choi at the two people she paid to look after the house. "Throw this poor man out of my house!" The woman uttered a word that succeeded in tearing the heart of the man she was originally going to marry.

Unfortunately, fate had other plans. The Liu family went bankrupt and left no assets for their son. Aaron Liu will undoubtedly become a beggar or homeless on the streets unless he wants to live a miserable life following his parents as a farmer on a remote island.

"Make sure this man never sets foot in my house!" said Miranda Choi loudly and without the slightest feeling of compassion.

Without mercy, the two guards dragged Aaron Liu out of the courtyard. Without even the slightest bit of pity, they threw a suitcase of hers onto the road in front of the gate. The man immediately clenched his fists because he felt insulted by the treatment of the woman he was supposed to marry.

"I swear, Miranda, you will pay for all this humiliation!" Aaron Liu shouted a sentence very loudly. He hoped the woman who had thrown him away could hear his words.

Deeply wounded in his heart, Aaron Liu walked helplessly down the street. He also considered going to his best friend, who had always supported and accompanied him. The man, who looked messy with a sad face, finally stopped a taxi that happened to be passing by.

"Tian Zhi Apartment," said Aaron Liu to the taxi driver.

The taxi driver then drove quickly to an address the passenger had mentioned. In just a few minutes, the car stopped in front of the lobby of a luxury apartment in the city center.

After making the payment, Aaron Liu walked in for a while, dragging a not-too-big suitcase into the skyscraper. He got into the elevator to an apartment unit where his best friend lived.

The man was at his best friend's apartment door in a few minutes. The doorbell rang several times, but no one appeared to open the door. Aaron Liu already felt that something was wrong with his best friend. Since this morning, his cell phone is also unreachable.

Finally, a woman in the uniform of the apartment cleaner came.

"Are you looking for Mr. Su?" asked the woman to the figure of a man who used to come to his best friend's apartment.

"Have you seen Su Minghao this morning?" Aaron Liu tried to ask a janitor in Su Minghao's apartment.

The woman then put down all the cleaning tools in her hands. With a deft move, she immediately took a key and opened the door to Su Minghao's apartment.

"Early morning, Mr. Su Minghao delivered his apartment key to me. He asked that the apartment be cleaned immediately. It seems this apartment will be sold or rented by Mr. Su Minghao," explained the woman without showing any significant expression.

"What!" Only those words were able to come out of Aaron Liu's mouth. He never thought his best friend would leave him at the worst time. He wanted the man to scream as loud as possible. Aaron Liu didn't imagine the people he loved would go.

Moreover, they left when he was already a poor man and had nothing. Not to mention the luxurious cars he usually drives, even Aaron Liu has nowhere to take shelter.

A limping step like someone who has lost hope, Aaron Liu moved again to leave the skyscraper. It was too suffocating when his best friend and lover had the heart to dump him without compassion.

Whereas before, Aaron Liu had injected considerable funds into the business run by Su Minghao.

"Bastard! How can Su Minghao also disappear at a time like this?" Aaron Liu's frustration and disappointment were so evident on his face. His heart seemed to be torn apart, and it was excruciating.

Aaron Liu also didn't expect his fiancé and friend to dump him like now.