Chapter 3 Fighting Robbers

After that, Aaron Liu walked on aimlessly. He didn't know where to go anymore. His eyes were so dark in thoughts jumbled together. After tired of walking along the crowded sidewalk, the man stopped at a bench in a roadside park.

The man rested his body on a chair made of iron that looked sturdy—looking at a four-story building that seemed quite crowded. Of course, it was very crowded. The place was a private bank that was quite well-known. Aaron Liu thought it would no longer be possible for him to enter the bank. Never mind savings. Just having a little money to eat is lucky enough.

Until accidentally, Aaron Liu saw a grandmother who was a victim of a crime. Two men robbed the older woman just as she was leaving the bank.

"Help! There's a robbery!" shouted the grandmother with a panicked face because someone had just snatched her bag.

Without thinking much, Aaron Liu dashed to catch up with the two robbers who had stolen the older woman's bag. He had even forgotten his luggage.

The man caught up with the two robbers quickly and agilely. As much as possible, he had to take back a bag belonging to a grandmother in front of the bank.

"Stop you guys!" shouted Aaron Liu in a cold glare that was impulsive enough to stop the two robbers.

The two robbers looked down on Aaron Liu, smiling a sinister smile at the figure of a man who wanted to be a late hero. In one fell swoop, one of them directly attacked him violently.

"Bastard! How dare you meddle in our affairs!" snapped the robber in unmistakable anger. Together, the two robbers attacked the man who tried to thwart his plan. They thought that the man should be killed immediately.

Without thinking, the two robbers launched several punches at Aaron Liu, aiming to kill him. The two of them felt that Aaron Liu would be finished in their hands with just a little force. However, what happened was unexpected.

Aaron Liu parried every punch as well as kick toward him. He issued a high kick with great power that could make the two robbers fall to the pavement.

"Damn it! How can that weak man fight us?" The two robbers were very surprised by Aaron Liu's strength. They did not expect that a young man dressed neatly and looking classy could beat them both back.

"His appearance is like a rich young master. But his fighting skills are very great," complained one of the robbers.

Not wanting to waste time, Aaron Liu snatched a bag from the hands of the two robbers. Then he kicked them mercilessly. The two robbers might have died if the kick had landed on the head.

"Do you guys think I'm that weak? You idiot!" Aaron Liu cursed before leaving the two robbers.

Aaron Liu did practice martial arts when he was in college. Not to cause trouble, he realized that many enemies might harm him. It also made him train hard to master martial arts.

When he was about to return the bag from the grandmother, suddenly A robber got up and moved towards him carrying a knife that looked very sharp.

"Look out, Young man!" the grandmother shouted when she saw that the robber was about to injure Aaron Liu.

With a quick movement, Aaron Liu moved to the right side and then turned his body. A kickback was awarded to the mugger. But unlucky before the robber fell, the sharp knife injured his arm. He could only endure the pain and ensure no more resistance from the two robbers.

Shortly after that, a passing police patrol car immediately arrested the two robbers. With the testimony of several witnesses, the two robbers were caught and dragged away to the nearest police station.

Aaron Liu walked with all the strength that was still in him. He approached the older woman and handed the bag that was in his hand.

"Next time... Grandma had better be careful. It's hazardous to be in a public place alone," said Aaron Liu politely and gently. He was concerned when he saw the older woman on the street alone.

"Thank you, young man." The grandmother said it very sincerely to Aaron Liu. She also noticed the young man standing up, his face getting paler.

Immediately, the grandmother was shocked when she found a wound on the arm of the man in front of her. The grandmother immediately panicked and pulled Aaron Liu's hand.

"We have to go to the hospital now!" persuaded the grandmother with a slightly forced tone. She was too panicked because she saw blood dripping from the arm of the man who had helped him.

"Wait, Grandma. I have to get my suitcase at...." Aaron Liu was stunned because he didn't find his suitcase on the bench he had been sitting on earlier. He immediately looked around, hoping to find his briefcase.

The grandmother watched the young man's face. The disappointment was so evident on his face. It was as if he had just lost something precious enough to him.

"Where did you put it, young man?" The grandmother also looked around the sidewalk. She hoped that the man's suitcase did not disappear. After confirming that the briefcase was gone, she pulled Aaron Liu back to the side of the highway.

A taxi finally stopped and took the grandmother and also Aaron Liu. The two of them headed straight to the hospital before the wound on his arm became infected.

"Let's treat your wound first. After that, we can talk about your lost belongings," coaxed the old woman, who only got a nod from Aaron Liu.

Without saying much, the two arrived at the central hospital of Anming City. They rushed to the emergency room so that Aaron Liu would immediately receive treatment and treatment for the wound on his arm. It's not good if an open wound is left too long.

When he received medical treatment, the grandmother immediately took care of the administration to pay for wound care costs. The older woman invited her helper to have lunch at a restaurant beside the hospital. She purposely wanted to chat longer with someone who had helped her.

"What's your name, young man?" That was the first question from the older woman when they were already sitting in a restaurant.