Chapter 14 The Woman Who Looks Perfect

That morning Aaron Liu woke up a little late. He was very careless and didn't accompany Mrs. Jiang to the company. There was an important meeting that the old lady had to attend.

Mrs. Jiang could have woken Aaron Liu up. However, she didn't have the heart to let the young man sleep. She preferred to ask another driver who also worked for the Jiang Family.

As soon as he woke up, Aaron Liu immediately rushed into the bathroom. He remembered that he had to take Mrs. Jiang to the office. So stupidly, the man didn't look at the clock at all. He was focused on getting ready to leave for the office without noticing that it was almost noon.

"Where's Grandma Jiang now?" Aaron Liu asked a servant who happened to be cleaning the area in front of his room.

"Mrs. Jiang left an hour ago, Sir. Didn't you know that?" the maid asked with a slightly astonished face.

"What!" Suddenly, Aaron Liu ran straight to where his car was. In a panic, he drove straight towards the company.

Of course, it was strange and unnatural that the man didn't know the truth about the hostess. Moreover, Aaron Liu was trusted to be Mrs. Jiang's assistant and bodyguard.

At a swift pace, Aaron Liu felt panicked and guilty. He shouldn't have overslept and made Mrs. Jiang have to leave without him. It was too careless and too embarrassing for him.

With all the panic and increasingly chaotic thoughts, the man became less focused on the road before him until suddenly.


Aaron accidentally hit a car in front of him. The sound of the impact was loud enough and so shocking that the man had to stop the vehicle.

Before he even stepped out, a middle-aged man approached, his face burning with anger. The man looked furious when the car behind him hit him hard.

"Get out of the car!" A man shouted as he banged on the windshield.

"I'm sorry, sir. I accidentally hit your car." Aaron Liu immediately got out of the car and apologised to the man.

However, the man instead fixed his gaze on an angry face. A deadly aura seemed to be visible in the eyes of the car owner who was accidentally hit.

The man grabbed Aaron Liu by the collar and gripped him tightly. The man's eyes were so terrifying to Aaron Liu at that time.

"Apologising is not enough! Compensate now!" the man snapped emotionally. He couldn't accept that someone had harmed him and damaged his car.

"Of course, I'll compensate but give me a minute. It just so happens that I'm in a hurry and don't have my wallet and cell phone. Why don't you give me your business card?" Aaron was trying to persuade the car's owner that he accidentally hit.

"You useless man! Just look like a rich man with a fancy car; you can't even pay the compensation." The man sneered contemptuously.

It just so happened that the car Aaron Liu was driving was luxurious and classy. The clothes he wore were also, of course, branded and very expensive. However, all of that was given to him by Mrs. Jiang. To make matters worse, she forgot his cell phone and wallet.

Like falling down the stairs, that's Aaron Liu's position at the time. He needed clarification about who to turn to for help. There was no one to contact; he could only go to the office to ask Mrs.g Jiang for help.

"How about you come with me to the office? I'll pay you when I get there," Aaron Liu persuaded the man to give him some time.

"No way! We'd better go to the police station!" the man snapped without hesitation. The man thought that if he couldn't compensate him, it would be better to go straight to the police station.

There was a heated argument between the two men. Aaron Liu couldn't possibly allow himself to be reported to the police station. Moreover, the car he was using was not his own.

Meanwhile, the car owner asked for compensation for the damage. Unfortunately, Aaron Liu couldn't give it to him on the spot. He thought that the police station was a way out for them.

Suddenly a beautiful woman exited the car after a while of commotion. With a cold face and a flat expression, she stared fixedly at Aaron Liu.

She noticed a handsome man with a luxurious car who couldn't give any compensation. It felt so ridiculous compared to his appearance as a young master from a wealthy family.

"Let me just pay the compensation. It looks like he's just a driver hired by a rich man." The woman quipped while looking sarcastically at the handsome man who was so pitiful to her.

"But, Miss .... " Before the car owner could utter a protesting tone, the woman had already raised her hand to signal the driver not to comment.

"I'm in a hurry. It would be a waste of time to argue with the driver of this luxury car. Let's go now!" said the beautiful woman who had the body of a professional model.

Her face showed a perfect beauty that was undeniable, with long brownish-black hair flowing like a rug. Unfortunately, her attitude was a little arrogant and very condescending to others. Indeed a picture of a perfect, cold-hearted woman.

In the blink of an eye, the argument was over. The beautiful woman got back into the car with a sarcastic smile. It was a painful insult to the handsome man who had the misfortune to be there.

Even so, Aaron Liu still thanked the woman who looked very haughty. Even though she looked arrogant, she was still willing to pay for the damage to the car he hit.

"Are all beautiful women bad?" muttered Aaron Liu as she walked away from him.

As a man, Aaron Liu felt quite insulted by her remark. Unfortunately, he had no other choice. He had to fight and endure the lowest point of his life. Other than his body and soul, he had nothing else at that time. Even the clothes she was wearing were not hers.