Chapter 30 No Longer Rich Young Master

Wasting no time, the woman who worked at the shop immediately took Aaron Liu to see his best friend. It was a token of gratitude because the man had always treated her well.

Even though Aaron Liu was a wealthy man back then, he didn't look down on others. He was even on good terms with a woman he considered his sister.

"Mr. Su is in the corner of the room, Sir. It looks like he's with his family," the woman said, pointing to a side on the second floor of the Grande Factory.

"Thank you. I'll see Su Minghao first. You'd better accompany Miss Jiang there." Aaron Liu didn't want Jiang Lily to get upset that no one was there.

The woman went back to accompany Jiang Lily to pick out some clothes. Meanwhile, Aaron Liu began to walk towards some people who seemed to be busy choosing branded suits in the store.

There was hesitation in Aaron Liu's heart. He was afraid that he would get a rejection by his best friend. It was evident that Su Minghao had deliberately left the apartment when his family went bankrupt. However, he was still very curious about why his best friend left at the lowest point of his life.

"Minghao!" called Aaron Liu with all the doubt he still felt.

The man, who seemed busy picking around, turned towards the voice. Su Minghao looked very surprised to see Aaron Liu in the same store as him.

Immediately, Aaron Liu's best friend paled. He didn't expect that the two of them would meet so soon. Moreover, Su Minghao's departure at that time was intentional by him. The man didn't want anything to do with someone who had lost everything.

"Aaron! How can you be in this shop? Didn't your family's entire business go bankrupt?" Su Minghao couldn't believe Aaron Liu could still buy clothes at their regular shop.

"Is it that I can't come to this shop after my family went bankrupt? Why do you seem surprised instead of happy to see me?" Aaron Liu felt suspicious.

Aaron Liu could see that his best friend didn't think much of him anymore. It was inevitable that Su Minghao had deliberately avoided him.

Whereas back when the Liu Family was still victorious, his best friend would often come to him and ask for help. It wasn't just once or twice. It happened dozens of times.

Unfortunately, Aaron Liu was too stupid to trust his best friend back then. He thought that Su Minghao was truly sincere in his friendship. Everything was getting clearer and very disappointing. There was no genuine friendship between the two of them.

"Can't I come into this store? Isn't everyone free to go in and out of the Grande Factory?" Aaron felt very insinuated or his best friend's words as if he didn't deserve to enter the store.

"That's not it, Aaron! Don't misunderstand!" Su Minghao tried to get close to his best friend so he wouldn't get upset over what he said. He tried to look at Aaron Liu and then patted his right shoulder. "Let me pay your bill this time," he continued with a meaningful smile.

"No need to do that, Minghao. I want to ask you something. Why did you suddenly disappear at the same time as my family's bankruptcy?" Aaron Liu asked a man he had been quite close to.

It was a question that was quite surprising and also very difficult for Su Minghao. He couldn't tell the real reason for his departure some time ago.

Su Minghao had to find a good reason for his friend as much as possible. He felt guilty for all the misfortune that had happened to Aaron Liu. Unfortunately, nothing could change everything.

"You know too, Aaron. My father's company is in trouble. I have to do something to save the company. These few days, I've been overseas to meet new investors. If you don't believe me, you can ask my father directly," Su Minghao explained as he glanced at a man who seemed to be trying on some clothes.

"There's no need to involve uncle; this is a matter between us," Aaron Liu told his friend.

The two men's conversation had managed to catch the Su Family's attention. They all cast strange looks at a young man who had to struggle alone to survive.

Not much different from all of them, Aaron Liu also looked at his best friend's extended family. It was rare to see the Su Family coming to the store together.

"Is there going to be a party in your family? Why would they buy the same set of clothes?" Aaron Liu found this a little strange and uncharacteristic. He was very sure that there was something he didn't know.

"Not a party, just a new branch company. We'll be inaugurating it in a few days. So before that, the Su Family deliberately ordered matching clothes from this shop," Su Minghao explained with a worried expression and was at a loss to explain it to his best friend.

Between belief and disbelief, Aaron Liu didn't want to linger there. He didn't want to ask his friend anything else. After talking for a while, the man finally left Su Minghao. That attracted the attention of the entire Su Family.

"Wasn't that Young Master Liu?" asked Su Minghao's father without taking his eyes off Aaron Liu.

"He's no longer a young master, Pa!" said a man who looked much younger than Su Minghao. He also laughed at Aaron Liu's miserable life.

It was common knowledge that the Liu Family had gone bankrupt. They had lost all their assets and companies. In just one night, everything had fallen to pieces. The social status that used to be so high was nothing at all.

It was sad and also heartbreaking for Aaron Liu. They all had no idea that fate was cruel to the Liu Family.

"Stop that nonsense! After all, Aaron is still my best friend. I have to treat him the best I can," Su Minghao said to a man who turned out to be his younger brother.

"Never mind! No need to be hypocritical in front of me. Everything you've done behind Aaron's back is worse than the word disgusting itself," the man said in a snappish tone. He was not happy that his brother was deliberately using his own best friend.

"If you can't shut your mouth, I'll tear it right now!" Su Minghao threatened with an angry face and did not accept his own brother's words.