Vale's First Floor

Unbeknownst to Vale, a powerful undead who had a grudge against him was rapidly closing in on his location.

Oblivious to the imminent danger, he stood captivated, his attention fixated on the progress of Ceres within the Ascension Tower.

Vale observed as the sixth floor of the Tower illuminated, a clear indication that Ceres had successfully overcome the challenges of the fifth floor. This particular level had proven to be a formidable obstacle, eliminating the majority of students who had dared to venture further.

"As expected of the princess…"

"I didn't expect a Holy Arts Practitioner to have such an incredible combat prowess."

"Indeed… She's too different from the other Priestess I've seen."

"What do you know? She's aiming to be a Paladin, not a Priestess…"

"Whatever it is, our kingdom will surely prosper with such a talented princess."