Vale's Tower Ascension ( 1 )

Vale looked at the wooden sword he was holding, and after noticing that there was nothing special from it, he threw it on the floor and focused on the treasure chest.

He wasn't sure if it was the same for others, but he saw three items inside.

There was a vial of potion, a talisman, and a Spirit Pearl.

Vale wasn't an expert in Talisman Craft and could not recognize its usage. However, he was able to identify that the potion was one of those expensive universal Arcane Energy Recovery Potions.

Instead of giving specific energy to an Arcanist, it helps the consumer's physique to increase their recovery rate.

"Yvaine, keep these things inside the chest..." Vale said as he saw his shadow moving and rippling like a surface of water.

Then, he saw the treasure chest and quickly transferred the items inside.

Just like that, Vale was able to store the items without burdening his movement.