
Denise recalled that this person was also one of the representatives that she had brought to the Castle a few days ago.

If she wasn't mistaken, her name was Lady Eve of the Brotherhood of the Scarlet Serpent. Previously, this woman wore a red dress that hugged her body and a snake pendant hanging from her neck.

Denise regarded Lady Eve with curiosity since she couldn't believe that Vale allowed her to stay for this long.

'I think two days had already passed. But why is she still here? Is this woman Vale's type?' Denise mused as she observed Lady Eve.

She was still quite seductive, although she had already changed her dress into a more comfortable one covered by a long trench coat.

"Eve, correct?" Denise greeted with a calm voice.

After seeing Eve nod, she continued.

"I didn't think that you'd still be here."

"The Immortal found our proposal favorable," Eve replied, her tone laced with a hint of triumph.