Not Ignorant

Denise was just joking around when she talked to the Immortal Puppets. She believed that they would just ignore her or react similarly to how golems acknowledge the presence of others.

They would only look at her and perhaps give a gentle nod.

However, after she spoke, the Immortals looked at her at the same time, which surprised her for a moment. Then, one of them responded.

"Denise White… The Dark Alchemist who created those Androids. You have an amazing talent. It was no wonder Immortal Vale trusted you with such heavy responsibilities." One of the Immortals said, which stunned Denise for a while.

She didn't react and simply looked at the Immortals with her eyes widened.

The three other Immortals behind simply nodded, their acknowledgment was silent but profound.

"T-thank you, Immortals."