Chapter 203 - A Ghostly Debacle [Part 1]

It had been a month since Asuka and her friends started living in their new house, and already the place was turning from a house of demons into that of spiders and cobwebs. The worst affected in the group were the demi-humans with their heightened senses, and even more, disturbed by it was Asuka who'd been a royal maid in a castle that stayed spic and span through all the seasons. 


"Haaa…This house is a mess!" Done with dusting the room's corners, Asuka stepped off the stool and let out an exalted sigh. "At least we won't have to worry about it for a while now."


Looking around her room, she checked for any spots left just like she'd done for every other room in the oakwood-floored house. When she couldn't find a speck of dust anywhere in the room, she dusted off her maid outfit before making her way out to the basement to store the mop and duster.