Chapter 204 - A Ghostly Debacle [Part 2]

By the time everyone from Haruki's group was back home, it was really late into the night, but Stella still hadn't been found yet. Tired of searching all over, Fa was scowling by the gates of the new house they'd just recently started living in. All hurled up, she could feel her body shaking with fear while streams of tears flowed silently down her cheeks.


"She can't be far, we'll find her Fay," walking up beside her while the others continued to look, Riley tried to reassure Fay, but it didn't seem to have any effect on her.


"Where's Haruki? Is he still not done with that Nabe girl?" Wiping her tears, Fay asked while looking up at Riley.


Not sure how to answer her when Riley herself didn't know the answer, she simply plastered up a smile and tried to comfort her further.


"He'll be here, don't worry," again, words weren't enough to comfort the soul merchant.